Thursday, March 17, 2011

A fear of Nature.

 "Rina, the huge earthquake hit Japan, just now" my hostdad came in to my room and said. I was freaked out and couldn't even move, and the first thing I said was "What? Are you kidding me?" Well, I should've said "Please, say just kidding." I was scared, frightened and worried. It was like a mass of fear running around in my stomach. After a while, I went to watch the news. Fortunately, the epicenter was far away from where my family live. They said "We didn't even feel anything." But the news said Tokyo where I was born and my friends, grandparents, dad and relatives live has had some damages. Soon, I tried to get a contact with my family and friends in Japan and I made sure that at least they were alive. I was relieved a little bit because of it though, it was still going on over there. My friend in Tokyo told me they were having lots of little shakes every 10 mins even a next day. Then, I was realized how huge the earthquake was.
 I was looking for the infomations of the earthquake online. I saw one video of a HUGE wave has come from the ocean was EATING the city. People, cars, and even houses were floating on the sunk village. It even looked fake. Actually, I still can't believe it was real.  What I thought was it's such an easy thing for nature to destroy and take lots and lots of lives away. I'm so sorry for people who got killed, injured, and lost their loved because of this disaster. I pray for all of them, and hope everything would be okay.